Bug#636882: ardentryst: Copyright file is incomplete

Vincent Cheng vincentc1208 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 23:36:26 UTC 2011

Hi Jordan,

Recently, a bug report (#636882, see [1]) has been filed against the
Ardentryst package in Debian, related to the copyright attribution of
Ardentryst's data and sound files. While the bug has (sort of) been
fixed, the bug reporter (and I) would like to ask for your input on
that matter; i.e. it would be nice if you could clarify which data and
sound files are your own creations and can be attributed to you. If
possible, can you also point out which data/music/sound files are
copyrighted by which contributor(s) you list in the in-game credits?
The most up-to-date copy of Ardentryst's debian/copyright can be found
at [2]; I'd be grateful if you could take a look at it and offer any

Kind regards,
- Vincent Cheng

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/636882
[2] http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-games/packages/trunk/ardentryst/debian/copyright?revision=12567&view=markup

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