Bug#633291: RFS: NMU: quesoglc 0.7.2-4.1

أحمد المحمودي aelmahmoudy at sabily.org
Sun Aug 14 21:44:27 UTC 2011

 Please sponsor the NMU for "quesoglc".
 I prepared the NMU in order to remove the LA file, and that is in order 
 to be able to remove the LA file from a package I maintain "fribidi", 
 since quesoglc depends on this package.

 This upload closes bugs: #633291

 It builds these binary packages:
 libglc-dev - An implementation of SGI's OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC)
 libglc0 - QuesoGLC GLC implementation

 The latest entry in the Debian changelog is:
quesoglc (0.7.2-4.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * NMU
  * debian/libglc-dev.install, debian/rules: Remove LA file (Closes: #633291)
  * debian/control: Replaced Build-Dep on libglewmx1.5-dev with

 As required, I tested the package against unstable's version of lintian and it
 is lintian clean.

 To access further information about this package, please visit the following URL:


 Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

   dget -x http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/q/quesoglc/quesoglc_0.7.2-4.1.dsc

 I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

 Kind regards,

 ‎أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
  Digital design engineer
 GPG Fingerprint: 8206 A196 2084 7E6D 0DF8  B176 BC19 6A94 EDDD A1B7
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