Bug#653577: /usr/games/wesnoth-1.8: Full screen mode doesn't work with GNOME shell

Gerfried Fuchs rhonda at deb.at
Thu Dec 29 19:55:05 UTC 2011

tag 653577 unreproducible moreinfo

   Dear Johan!

* Johan Walles <johan.walles at gmail.com> [2011-12-29 14:57:24 CET]:
> the full-screen mode doesn't work for me.  I get something like a
> maximized window.  When I move the mouse close to the edges the screen
> scrolls and the "full-screen" window goes off-center.

 That's strange. How do you switch to full-screen?  The default
keybinding for that is ctrl+f, and there is the option to switch to
fullscreen mode in the menu.  I want to make sure that you don't use
something like maximize of the window manager at hand.

> Hypotheses include interaction with GNOME Shell or interaction with my
> (newly installed) 1920x1080 monitor.

 I am using regular gnome3 with gnome shell on wheezy myself, so I doubt
that that could be related.

 Btw., could you test if the same happens to you with wesnoth-1.9?  That
is the devel release and will be the next stable release 1.10 within the
next few months, and some more testing of it would be welcomed.

 Thanks for further information you could provide,
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