Bug#609493: openarena-data: typo in package description - comptabible

Justin B Rye jbr at edlug.org.uk
Tue Jan 11 01:17:02 UTC 2011

Daniel Glassey wrote:
>>> The package description says "Though OpenArena is a free replacement for id
>>> Software Inc.'s Quake III Arena, it is NOT comptabible with the proprietary
>>> game!"

Oh, incomptabibility issues?

> Yes, just the one word typo. Though, if I'm being picky, I'm not sure
> that the exclamation mark at the end of the sentence is necessary.
> Hmm, and 'Even though' reads better to me than starting the sentence
> with 'Though'.

You're right that there's some tradition of preferring "although" in
this context, which in effect just makes this "though" feel slightly
informal.  Oddly enough, 600 years ago it was "all-though" that was
a colloquial intensive form of plain "though"...

Anyway, put it together with the exclamation mark and capitalised
"NOT" and maybe it does begin to sound a bit overenthusiastic; but for
a games package that's probably forgivable.

"Even though" sidesteps the rule against initial "though"
(highlighting the arbitrariness of the rule, if you ask me) without
swinging too far in the direction of formality.  I'm still not
convinced it's a bugfix worth pushing into Squeeze, though.
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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