Bug#633384: pingus: Please update German (and others, e.g. NL) translation from upstream SVN
Helge Kreutzmann
debian at helgefjell.de
Sat Jul 9 18:49:52 UTC 2011
Package: pingus
Version: 0.7.3-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n patch
X-Debbugs-CC: Bertrand Marc <beberking at gmail.com>
Thank you for including the fix for the German translation. In the
meantime (i.e. since the bug was reported) we proofread the file and
coordinated a new version with upstream. It is now in upstreams SVN. I
attached the latest version to this e-mail. It would be great if you
could update the package (unfortunately due to vacation I was only
able to complete the proofreading on debian-l10n after your upload)
once more.
Ideally could you pick up all updated translations from SVN, e.g. I
noticed the dutch translation was just updated very recently as well?
If you need help I can prepare an updated version of the package, just
Dr. Helge Kreutzmann debian at helgefjell.de
Dipl.-Phys. http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
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