Copyright File for MESS added

Emmanuel Kasper emmanuel at
Thu Jun 2 11:59:34 UTC 2011

I pushed today a copyright file for mess.

I used the following technique to list copyright owners:
everything mess/src/* is copyright MESS Team

then I grepped -i for other copyright assignments

1. grep -irw copyright * | egrep -v '("Copyright MESS Team"|"Copyright
the MESS Team"|Copyright MESS [Tt]eam.)

2 .when I found a batch of Copyright assignment, I added it to the
Copyright File, and then to my reverse grep:

Everything not MESS, not mameui and co:
grep -irw copyright * | egrep -v '("Copyright MESS Team"|"Copyright the
MESS Team"|Copyright MESS [Tt]eam.|Michael Soderstrom|Chris

3. go back to 2 until done

At the the end I had to manually check 5 or 6 copyright files.

I went into the very details of
mess/src/mess/tools/imgtool/modules/xsa.c, which references an external
copyright owner, and I found out the external source code on an obscure
ftp msx archive.

The external source code only asked for an attribution note, "uses XSA
code developed by Alex Wulms/XelaSoft." which mess properly includes in
the imgtool.txt documentation file. I added that the debian/copyright
file as well.

We also distribute also some mess artwork /usr/share/games/mess/artwork.
It is mostly cheess computer boards pictures and a couple of icons.
Things to be find there.


PS: I find actually the Mame license quite pertinent to the viability of
the project, and DEP 5 a good idea.

Having a non commercial clause protects you actually from making money
from the emulator, and it is wise. I have seen that as soon a someone is
trying to make money with an emulator, People sue. Look what happened
when the Hercules Emulator author started to grow a commercial support:
IBM sued them.

Besides that having DEP-5 allows anyone to find the DFSG free bits in
Mame. All the work of the former Mmae coordinateor Aaron Gilles is
placed under the permissive BSD license, which allows heavy code reuse.
A DEP 5 copyright file allows a quick tracking of that code. +

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