Mail from the Ubuntu mame MOTU
Cesare Falco
cesare.falco at
Thu Jun 9 23:28:00 UTC 2011
> I see. Let's see what happens in 0.143. Can I ask for no debian-component
> with capital letters, though? Can we stick with "mess", instead of "Mess"?
> :)
I agree, I dislike capitals too. :)
I don't remember why I couldn't use "mess" anyway, I have to check this.
> > * A copy of the (Mame) src/ tree is made to src.Mess/ first,
> > * the makefile and contents of Mess are then copied in src.Mess/
> > * build is done inside src.Mess/ (and no particular order is required)
> >
> > I'd stick with this approach which makes maintainance easier IMHO. :)
> I see. So MAME builds fine even with the MESS changes? Why does this suck
Mame/Mess development proceeds very quickly, often with tree changes.
Looking for a way to make debian/rules flexible enough to avoid editing
for each release, I came up with the idea of copying anything
in Mess *over* anything in Mame, just following Mess Team's info.
But this would lead to a clean target even more un-maintanable, so I
opted for a different temporary directory next.
So no, unfortunately Mame doesn't build after Mess changes. Or maybe it
would but source would also be somewhat different from upstream tarball.
Mess builds in a temporary subdir, Mame builds in the main directory.
What I don't understand: why on earth consoles need patching arcade
machine emulation code?! :P
> so much? :/ Would patching the mame source be cleaner if we dealt with the
> file clashes via a "mess_clash.patch"?
I'm not sure I understand. Could you please explain a bit more?
> Luckily we have Manu. :P
Yeah! A great job done by a great man! :)
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