Bug#630933: adonthell build-depends on obsolete swig1.3

Torsten Landschoff t.landschoff at gmx.net
Sat Jun 18 23:41:21 UTC 2011

Package: adonthell
Version: 0.3.5-6
Severity: normal

adonthell uses the obsolete swig1.3 package during build. Please use the 
swig2.0 package instead as swig1.3 is not maintained upstream anymore - 
it was the unstable branch leading to swig 2.0. The swig1.3 package will 
be removed from Debian.

Please update your package! Note that some autoconf scripts may 
misinterpret version 2.0.x as smaller than 1.3.x because of a bad 
comparison. You can find a patch at http://savannah.gnu.org/patch/?7187 
(submitted to upstream autoconf-archive, but it seems the package is 

Greetings, Torsten

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