Bug#647572: add the browser name to the copyable version info

Jonathan Nieder jrnieder at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 01:53:05 UTC 2011

tags 647572 + upstream

jidanni at jidanni.org wrote:

> In the menus we arrive at "About Chromium".
> But the word "Chromium" is uncopyable.

Ok, sounds like a sensible enough improvement (though I'm not too
motivated by the rationale you gave :)).

If you would like this to happen, you have a few choices.

 A. Source diving.

    apt-get build-dep chromium
    apt-get install devscripts git
    debcheckout chromium

    cd chromium
    git add .
    git commit -m 'add upstream source'

    editor chrome/browser/ui/gtk/about_chrome_dialog.cc
    # ... tweak tweak tweak ...
    fakeroot debian/rules binary
    # ... wait a long time ...

    dpkg -i ../<name of package>

    # ... tweak more, rebuilding as necessary
    git diff >patch

   I assume that you'd want to use gtk_label_set_selectable() to make
   product_label selectable, like version_label already is.  Installing
   ccache might make repeated builds less painful.

   If you send us a tested patch, we'd be happy to pass it on upstream.

 B. Contact upstream at <http://crbug.com/> directly, and send us the
    bug number so we can track it.

> Compare firefox, where we can even copy the whole User-Agent
>   Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:9.0a2) Gecko/20111028 Firefox/9.0a2 Iceweasel/9.0a2
> there in about:support.

You might like the "about:" page (press ctrl-L to get to the address bar,
type "about:", press enter).

Hope that helps,

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