Building Mess with our Mame source layer is not possible anymore

Manu Ka emmanuel.k at
Thu Nov 17 21:47:50 UTC 2011

Hello Team !
Building the last Mess release with our packaging code fails with the
following error:

make: *** No rule to make target `obj/sdl/mess/mame/drivers/stvinit.o',
needed by `obj/sdl/mess/mess/mame.a'.  Stop.

The problem here is now Mess includes its own Mame distribution, so and
our debian provided Mame distribution does not have this file.

I think the way to go now is two separate Mame and Mess in two separate
packages, into both the upstream teams agree to merge ( it is like the
neverending story of mame/mess see

Right now it is possible to build Mame from the Mess distribution but it
is not the recommended way:

So I would like to move out the Mess bits out from the mame repository
and create something new on Alioth ( I think I ought to have the rights
now )


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