Bug#633297: funguloids: FTBFS everywhere: error: reference to 'map' is ambiguous

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Sat Feb 25 06:09:39 UTC 2012

The FTBFS bug and the other RC bugs have been open for a long time.
There is no point in fixing the FTBFS bug without fixing the crashes
that prevent the game from working at all. The package is not in testing
or stable anyway so it can basically be considered a new package.

To fix the crashes you need to modify the data and for that you need to
run mpak.py or maybe some of the C code from the game can be used.

mpak.py needs to be re-implemented or re-licensed because the current
implementation as distributed by Arch does not have any license attached
to it, so it is not distributable by Debian and Arch folks are violating
copyright law.

Ideally though, upstream needs to be revived and the mpak stuff ripped
out and replaced with either filesystem accesses or some standard pack
format like zip/tar. I've been trying to do that for a while but
upstream hasn't responded.

Since upstream is not responding I am not sure how to deal with the
situation. Either mpak.py has to be run at orig.tar.gz creation time or
a second tarball needs to be added with the pre-fixed data.

Alternatively the project could be completely forked, but that does not
seem to be a good way to do things to me.


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