Bug#680742: Re: Bug#680742: Request: Reactivation of RoarAudio support in openal-soft

Philipp Schafft lion at lion.leolix.org
Tue Jul 10 10:44:38 UTC 2012

flum Ansgar Burchardt,

(I'm not subscriped to this bug, if you have futur questions to me
please Cc me).

> Given that Philipp Schafft plans to request removal of roaraudio from
> Debian[1], I don't think it would be useful to revert this change.

I offered both ways: O and RM. The RM is *only* because the removed
dependencys (not only openal). If they are re-installed the reason for
the RM becomes invalid.

I will leave the Debian project anyway (currently pawing over packages
to new maintainers). But (not yet in public) there seems to a person
interested in taking it.

> Also wasn't libroar-compat2 just lowered from a Recommends to a
> Suggests?  Or have there been further changes in addition to those
> mentioned in [2]?

I don't think so. Please also check the build-depends to be sure (they
likely need to include libroar-dev).

Thank you for your work and have a nice day :)

 (Rah of PH2)
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