Bug#691772: game-data-packager: Inconsistent from game to game

Jon Dowland jmtd at debian.org
Fri Nov 2 13:59:53 UTC 2012

On Fri, Nov 02, 2012 at 09:45:05AM +0100, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Am 01.11.2012 23:26, schrieb Jon Dowland:
> >I'd be in favour of changing rott, lgeneral and wolf3d to not require '-f' and
> >treat a single argument as a path if supplied, in line with the other targets.
> It's not *that* in line, though.
> rott and wolf3d require a specific set of data files to run, they do
> not share the concept of a single WAD file. So, for single-WAD games
> g-d-p expects the path to said WAD file if not other argument is
> given and for multiple-data-files games it expects the path to a
> collection of files. For rott and wolf3d that's currently the
> shareware ZIP file. but what do we do for the registered
> versions,for which such a ZIP file does not exist?
> I think it's hard to align these two types of games (single and
> multiple data files).

It is, but not impossible. In all cases something that did some guestimates
would be nice. SO e.g. even in the single-WAD case, if you pass a directory, is
it $dir/doom2.wad, $dir/DOOM2.WAD, $dir/foo/DOOM2.WAD (for foo being whatever
the dir is on the commercial CD-ROMs, I'm not sure) or even
$dir/SteamApps/.../doom2.wad  (for the case where the user is pointing g-d-p at
a mounted windows partition containing steam with the games installed)

> And strife, which vavoom supports.

Another wishlist bug :)

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