Bug#689718: xmame-sdl, xmess-sdl: missing copyright file after upgrade from squeeze

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Thu Oct 11 09:15:16 UTC 2012

Package: xmame-sdl,xmess-sdl
Followup-For: Bug #689718
Control: found -1 0.146-4


the current fix is incorrect.

> mame (0.146-4) unstable; urgency=low
>    * Removes danglink symlink after xmame-sdl,xmame-x,xmame-svga
>    update.

That is too late, as the files will be installed over the broken
symlink. The symlinks must be deleted in preinst and unpackaging the
updated package will create a directory in place of the (now missing)


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