Bug#691107: Possible fix

Jesse Smith jessefrgsmith at yahoo.ca
Tue Oct 23 13:12:53 UTC 2012

On 12-10-23 03:30 AM, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> I think the real problem is in menucontent.h.  The MENUENTRY variables
> are declared in a "if" block and are no longer valid outside the block,
> however mainMenu.entries ("opts" in atanks.cpp:1037) still has a pointer
> to them...
> Ansgar

That could well be true. Though if it is, I think it's strange I can
access all of the data structures from menucontent.h from within parts
of the Options function using the gdb debugger. If those variables are
no longer in scope then asking the debugger to display menu->entries[0]
should probably give me a "not in scope" error. Should it not?

It seems the error still occurs with optimization turned on when using
GCC 4.7, so I'll see about another fix....

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