Bug#719496: freeorion: input textfields doesn't work after a while.

Markus Koschany apo at gambaru.de
Mon Aug 12 18:45:25 UTC 2013

severity 719496 normal
tags 719496 unreproducible moreinfo

On 12.08.2013 19:44, Marius Wegner wrote:
> i forgot to mention, that the deb-package released from the freeorion
> dev team on sorceforge doesn't have this bug (but another bug). so i
> don't think, its a kernel or bumblebee problem.

That's an interesting statement. The sourceforge version uses the same
developer code from revision 6281 but packaging and dependencies are
different. Important shared libraries are included and the game is not
linked against Debian's system libraries. So your issue might be a
result of compiling the game against different library versions.

However it could also be something completely different. I only
mentioned your kernel version because the version doesn't look like a
stock kernel and custom kernels like the one from liquorix can cause
random errors and they are sometimes the root cause for weird failures.

I lower the severity to normal because I can't reproduce the issue
myself and I need more feedback from other users if they experience the
same bug on their systems.

I will ping you from time to time, when a newer version of FreeOrion is
released, and ask you to check whether the problem still persists. If
you can find out more about this issue, please feel free to report back
to this bug report.



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