Bug#719496: freeorion: input textfields doesn't work after a while.

Markus Koschany apo at gambaru.de
Tue Aug 13 17:18:32 UTC 2013

On 13.08.2013 17:24, Marius Wegner wrote:
> I use Xfce, Nouveau and a Geforce GT 425M on amd64. Everything else in
> the game including mouse keeps working.
> Modifying x11_keyboard_grab to true doesn't help, but i started
> freeorion in xmonad today and it runs without the bug. probably its a
> problem with xfwm4.

Thank you for providing additional information for this bug report. I
think we are getting closer to the root cause of this issue. I have
installed freeorion on a pure sid system with Openbox and I still can't
reproduce this bug thus I will try with Xfce again tomorrow.

It appears that it depends on how the desktop environment controls
keyboard input for applications. I believe in Xfce the package
xfce4-settings provides a daemon, xfsettingsd, that controls keyboard
and mouse settings during a user session.

You could try the following:

1. Try to disable or kill your xfsettingsd. What happens if you play

2. You can also remove or move OISInput.cfg in
/usr/share/games/freeorion. The game should fall back to default values.
What happens?

3. Please attach you freeorion.log and ogre.log to this bug report. You
can find these log files in your home directory under ~/.freeorion/
Perhaps we can find some hints about the problem in your log files.



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