Bug#720941: Patch for GNU/Hurd

Samuel Thibault sthibault at debian.org
Tue Aug 27 21:52:26 UTC 2013

Svante Signell, le Tue 27 Aug 2013 23:39:20 +0200, a écrit :
> During the compile there was a lot of complaints like:
> tools/strutil.cpp:1:0: warning: -fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for
> this target (try -march switches) [enabled by default]
> And the execution of zsnes results were the same.

Then no need to drop the option just for the sake of silenting a
warning.  Warnings are there to tell us that something has to be fixed.
Silenting them is the worst thing you could do.

FTR, this warning happens on linux-i386 too, so there is really no
reason for special-casing hurd-i386.


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