Bug#677313: xboard: no way to remember -inc/-timeIncrement option

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Wed Jan 2 19:30:19 UTC 2013

On Wed, 02 Jan 2013 19:57:19 +0200
"h.g. muller" <h.g.muller at hccnet.nl> wrote:

h> The manual in general does not list with every option whether it is
h> persistent or volatile.

Ian> It says this:

Ian> This section documents the command-line options to XBoard.  You can
Ian> set these options in two ways: by typing them on the shell command
Ian> line you use to start XBoard, or by editing the settings file
Ian> (usually ~/.xboardrc) to alter the value of the setting that was
Ian> saved there.

Ian> which is false for any option of the "volatile" kind (I didn't know
Ian> they existed).

h> The manual was written at a time when XBoard did not have a settings
h> file at all, and all options were volatile. The settings file was
h> something that was ported from WinBoard.  That makes the manual a bit
h> obsolete in some places. I can't work on the code and the manual at
h> the same time, and working on the code is already close to 1.5
h> full-time jobs. So the best strategy seemed to be to just give up on
h> the manual.

XBoard has always had the XResources file, and I have always used that
and loved it, until the *%&$ing xboardrc file started overriding it.
So no, they weren't volatile at all.

Ian Zimmerman
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