Bug#693206: vavoom: Let's install the glvis utility

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Mon Jan 7 08:25:33 UTC 2013

Hi Gustavo,

Am 29.12.2012 13:52, schrieb Fabian Greffrath:
> 2) The addition of "." and "/" to the "-iwaddir" parameter was in no
> way limited to Boom compatibility. It is, however, strictly needed to
> run the "freedoom" wrapper in Debian, which relies on this feature in
> the "boom" wrapper. But why should it not be possible to run e.g. the
> "doom" wrapper with an Iwad given as a relative or absolute path name?
> 3) You introduced new wrappers e.g. for doom2. Was this in any way
> arranged with other Doom source ports in Debian?

could you elaborate on these two, please?

  - Fabian

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