Bug#716720: billard-gl: Crashes when quitting the game

Hans Joachim Desserud debian at desserud.org
Tue Jul 16 20:12:47 UTC 2013

severity 716720 normal

Ok, reducing severity since it seems I'm the only one who can trigger this.

>What kind of virtualization do you use? Did you install billard-gl in a
>clean chroot? Every information about your setup might be useful.

The virtual machines are VirtualBox (host: Ubuntu 13.04). Enabling/disabling 
3d hardware acceleration for the vm had no effect. I have also attached the output 
from glxinfo in case that's relevant.

I've done some testing since last time, and I think I've tracked down which change
caused this issue.

I have Ubuntu Saucy (the current development release) where the crash is occuring, 
and Ubuntu 13.04 aka Raring (the latest stable release) where it doesn't crash. Assuming
whatever causing the crash had been introduced since Raring was released, I figured
I'd try to install the newer packages on the old system and see what happened.

First I upgraded billard-gl and -data to 1.17-13, but it closed as expected without any 
error messages. Ok, next stop dependencies.

I pulled in the latest version of the freeglut3 package, and then I got the error messages
and crash when attempting to quit billard-gl. I also verified it went away when I uninstalled
the package and reinstalled the old one.
In other words:
with freeglut3 2.6.0-4ubuntu1 : exits cleanly
with freeglut3 2.8.1-1 : error message and crash

I don't have any older Debian releases to test with right now, otherwise I'd done so,
though since I can reproduce crash in Sid I assume it was also introduced there 
with the new version of the library.

mvh / best regards
Hans Joachim
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