Bug#679199: chipmunk-dev: please upgrade old version of chipmunk to newer version

Barry deFreese bddebian at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 12:50:53 UTC 2013


It is.  Apparently upstream believes it shouldn't be used as a shared lib though.  Here is a
response I got on the forum:

"It was removed quite some time ago. Compiling Chipmunk as a shared library is *not* recommended.
Since version differences can cause a slight change in the simulation behavior due to floating point
rounding issues, substituting a dynamic library can cause things to break. Secondly, I also don't
specifically maintain binary compatibility between Chipmunk versions. On occasions, I've added new
fields to structs for instance.

Instead, I've always recommended compiling Chipmunk as a static library. Since it's such a tiny
library and it's very unlikely to be running more than one process using Chipmunk at a time, there
is little to no benefit of having it as a shared library anyway."

I may just bump the Debian SOVERSION that Miriam set in the last package and let the chips fall
where they may.


Barry deFreese
Sometimes helper, sometimes hinderer to:
Debian Games, QA, GNU/Hurd

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