Bug#729209: fretsonfire-game: does not launch as PngImagePlugin is not found

Markus Koschany apo at gambaru.de
Sun Nov 10 11:44:20 UTC 2013

merge 709360 729209
severity 709360 serious
affects 709360 fretsonfire-game


thanks for taking your time to file a new bug report. I can confirm that
the version of fretsonfire in sid is currently unusable due to bug
#709360. Downgrading to the version in testing of python-imaging fixes it.

Since this makes python-imaging too buggy for a release and because it
affects at least fretsonfire-game, I'm raising the severity to serious
to prevent python-imaging 1.1.7+2.0.0-1.1 from migrating to testing.



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