Bug#704785: OGRE's FTBFS #713640 affects other packages

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Thu Sep 5 07:23:23 UTC 2013

On Thu, 2013-09-05 at 00:32 +0100, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:

> As you probably know, if you add -lboost_system (maybe needs also
> other boost components after that) to LDFLAGS it will go away.  Of
> course there should be a better solution for this and I'll try to find
> it, but I don't know how yet and it may take a while.

Right. I guess adding -lboost_system to the right pkgconfig files (OGRE
or boost) is probably the correct solution here.

> It seems that the thread component pulls system since 1.53, and OGRE
> 1.8.1 was released well before that and people have problems with
> this.  I don't know if this will be addressed upstream with a new .2
> release, doesn't look like it will happen.

Oh, so this is a boost bug? Or do you mean the OGRE thread component?


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