Bug#721835: foodbillardplus: ran into the same issues.

Markus Koschany apo at gambaru.de
Thu Sep 5 19:10:08 UTC 2013

On 05.09.2013 16:56, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ran into the same issues . This was the output on the CLI .


> The only diff. between Guillem screenshot and mine that it shows 70%
> as the game has progressed.

Hi shirish,

thanks for your additional information. However it appears to me that your card
supports only the OpenGL 1.4 spec.


I presume that means that it is even more unlikely for you to play the game because
the GM45 chipset of Guillem's card and mine supports OpenGL 2.1 at least.

> @markus please share if you have cloned this bug report and assigned
> it to xserver-xorg-intel. One way or the other we would know if it's
> our hardware or the driver as an issue.

I'm not sure yet to what package I should assign the clone. xserver-xorg-video-intel
provides the 2D support for your intel card whereas mesa is responsible for 3D and OpenGL
functionality. Just keep a look on this bug report and you won't miss anything.



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