Bug#756879: atanks: please avoid calling home

Jesse Smith jessefrgsmith at yahoo.ca
Sun Aug 3 00:41:38 UTC 2014

On 14-08-02 09:13 PM, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Package: atanks
> Version: 5.5+dfsg-0.1
> Severity: important
> Hi,
> just noticed when exiting atanks:
> | A new version, 6.0, is ready for download.
> | See http://atanks.sourceforge.net for the latest news and downloads.
> The code seems to live in src/update.cpp's Get_Latest_Version(), and I'd
> suggest patching it out for Debian.
> Mraw,
> KiBi.

I am not sure why you would want to disable update notification.
Especially with a patch to the source code, that seems overkill. If the
message bothers you you could just disable update notifications in the
Options menu under the Network category.

Alternatively the game could be compiled without the THREADS constant
defined in the Makefile, that would disable checks for updates without
requiring a patch to the source code. It probably won't have any serious
affect on the rest of the game to disable threads either. Threading was
mostly just there for generating backgrounds on older computers.

However, if Debian really wants the feature disabled in the source code,
commenting out file src/atanks.cpp: line: 5437 should do the trick.


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