Bug#738502: freeciv-client-gtk: earth-80x50-v3.sav.gz Unknown savefile format version (10) Failure loading savegame!

Markus Koschany apo at gambaru.de
Mon Feb 10 20:39:34 UTC 2014

On 10.02.2014 20:43, David Christensen wrote:
> I fail to understand why solutions to bugs, and especially solutions to
> security issues, are being withheld from the "stable" release of Debian
> GNU/Linux.  Such a practical is harmful to users, and will rightfully
> convince them to stop using Debian.
> Please clarify your response with respect to the Debian update policy
> (https://release.debian.org/):
>     Suite update policy
>     stable
>         Fast response for security updates. Minor updates include
>     security and other important fixes only. Major updates are sourced
>     from testing, and are infrequent, but large.
> Given the above, I would expect updates for the two identified security
> issues, at least.  The saved scenario bug I encountered seems neither
> "important" nor "major", so I am unclear as to when it would be
> incorporated into an update.

David, the security issues are completely unrelated to your bug report
and my reply to you only highlighted three options how you could upgrade
to a more recent version of freeciv.

This bug does not qualify for a stable update because it is simply not
important enough. Such issues can be fixed in stable-backports but this
is not mandatory. Uploads to stable-backports happen upon request by
users, if there is a need and a human maintainer who is interested in
doing the work. It is simply not doable to backport every bug fix to
Debian stable because there is a far greater danger of regressions and
also a lack of manpower to keep 40000 binary packages in a stable
condition. Stable means rock solid and reliable and free of release
critical bugs, but it does not imply that stable is bug-free.

Regarding the security issues the security team decided that they are
not critical. Nevertheless I intend to ask Debian's release team to
include the fixes in the next point release.


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