Bug#735785: ogre-1.8: FTBFS: Could not locate FREETYPE

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 11:49:45 UTC 2014

2014-02-11 10:54 GMT+00:00 Hideki Yamane <henrich at debian.or.jp>:
> Control: tags -1 +fixed-upstream
> Hi,
>  New upstream 1.9.0 release fixes this issue, you can get it from
>  https://bitbucket.org/sinbad/ogre/downloads
>  # However, it's necessary to deal with other issues (not ogre-1.8 but 1.9, etc)

There already exists src:ogre-1.9, up to date w.r.t. upstream, and
present in unstable for a few months.

src:ogre-1.8 should be fixed if possible anyway, there are rdepends
which didn't move onto 1.9 (and probably not all of their upstreams
are ready).

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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