Bug#553035: willing to help

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 12:25:23 UTC 2014


For me, game-data-packager is the way to go to keep everything uniform.
Here is a patch adding tyrian to game-data-packager version 37.

It currently only recommends "opentyrian",
so this can be compiled manually.

 Makefile                  |    2 
 lib/tyrian-mirrors        |    1 
 supported/tyrian          |  126 
 tyrian-data/README.Debian |    4 +
 tyrian-data/control.in    |   13 ++++
 tyrian-data/copyright     |   20 +++++++
 tyrian.mk                 |   34 ++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 200 insertions(+)

Sample output:

tchet at legacy:~$ game-data-packager tyrian
game-data-packager tyrian arguments:
        game-data-packager tyrian [ -f path ] | [ -w ]
                -f path         path to your existing copy of tyrian21.zip
                -w              fetch tyrian21.zip from the World Wide Web
tchet at legacy:~$ 
tchet at legacy:~/game-data-packager-tyrian$ ./game-data-packager tyrian -f 
generated "/home/tchet/game-data-packager-tyrian/tyrian-data_37_all.deb".

Alexandre Detiste

Le jeudi 13 février 2014, 19:46:35 Etienne Millon a écrit :
> * Alexandre Detiste <alexandre.detiste at gmail.com> [140129 09:24]:
> > I use this game and I'm willing to help.
> Hi,
> Unfortunately not a lot has changed since my last message. Due to the
> non-redistributability of opentyrian-data, it's impossible to create a
> source package for it. 

This is precisely the role of game-data-packager.

> For the moment I created an open-tyrian binary
> package that installs the data files to
> /usr/share/games/opentyrian/data. The zip can be found at the
> following URL:
> http://www.camanis.net/tyrian/tyrian21.zip
> However it's not possible as is. This zip file should be downloaded
> and unpacked during postinst to somewhere in /var (cache or lib). It
> is also possible to do this before launching the game somewhere in
> $HOME. The latter is probably better as it avoids to download as root.
> In the meantime, if you want to test, you can remove the dependency
> and launch the game in a directory where data/ contains game data (see
> src/file.c).
> For the actual download code, I don't know if it's possible to use
> game-data-packager, but it's always possible to roll our own solution,
> à la flashplugin-nonfree.
> In the meantime, I refreshed my packaging, fixed a few
> warnings and pushed my package to the following URL:
> git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/opentyrian.git

I got the code form elsewhere, but it works 
fine the data .deb from G-D-P.

#hg clone https://code.google.com/p/opentyrian/
cd /home/tchet/bin/opentyrian
hg update

> As you can see your help is welcome :)
> You can add yourself to Uploaders and help fix the remaining lintian
> warnings, do the copyright review (should be OK), and/or of course
> find a solution for the data files :)
> If it's your first package I'll be happy to help you.
> Please let me know what you're interested in.
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