Western Union Money Transfer 10200 at
Tue Feb 18 00:37:56 UTC 2014

Dear Concern,

Some groups of companies joined together and gave me an instruction to kindly inform you of your first payment of $7,199 USD by Exxon Mobil, Vitol, the British Prime Minister Mr. David Cameron and the G-20 committee and I will keep on sending you $7,199 USD until the payment of $659,999 USD is fully completed.

Your first MTCN number: 755-937-9650
Sender’s Name: Mr. Isaiah David
Amount sent: $7,199 USD

Your full names and your Mobile number are to forward to Western Union Money Transfer agent to track your funds Via Email to:

Mr. Nick Powell
D/L Number: +44 (0) 704 572 2050    
E-mail:sir.nickpowell at

Mrs. Erla Mamatha.

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