Bug#739486: game-data-packager: Please add support for Tyrian data using following patch.

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 05:31:10 UTC 2014

This patch (v2), applies to the sources obtained with
"apt-get source game-data-packager" on debian/testing; so currently v37.

Here is a new patch based on git.

> Hi - what does this apply to, please? I tried against git master but
> not that. I guess the last package release? I had a brief attempt at
> cherry-picking the patch (which applied cleanly on top of 36) to master
> but it doesn't go on cleanly. I'd be grateful if someone could provide
> a patch against git master but if not I'll work on cleanly applying it
> next time I have some cycles.
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