Bug#734407: redeclipse: [l10n] Improving the German translation strings in redeclipse.desktop

Markus Koschany apo at gambaru.de
Mon Jan 6 23:37:41 UTC 2014

Package: redeclipse
Version: 1.4-5
Severity: minor
Tags: l10n


sorry for this extreme form of nitpicking but otherwise I can't sleep.

The German translation string in redeclipse.desktop for Red Eclipse is
"Roter Eklipse". It should either be "Rote Eklipse" (it's feminine) or just "Red
Eclipse" because "Red Eclipse" is a proper name.

Comment[de]=Ego-Shooter Spiel mit agilen Gameplay und integriertem Editor.
                       ^               ^
The comment should read

Comment[de]=Ego-Shooter-Spiel mit agilem Gameplay und integriertem Editor.


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