Hello Everybody (bofh80)

Anthony F McInerney afm404 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 08:29:13 UTC 2014

So my nickname should give you an idea of usual job role and mentality.
I've experience in BASIC, pascal, C, DOS batch files, some python and shell
scripting, also anything microsoft.

I've been using Debian since 2003, (97 / 98 was slackware / redhat, but not
for long) on my laptop. Then as my main OS at home since 2005.

I've recently released my own Debian-live spin called n00bix (
sf.net/projects/n00bix or n00bix.outworlds.de) The source is all up on my

I run this on my machines at home (it started life as a preseed file) and
my kids use it too.
One of the things they do in school is the platinum sandbox maker, and they
came home couple of months ago and tried to install it, and it failed to
download the data.

Recently, started packaging terminology for Debian to include in my
live-build, then decided to see if anything interesting was up for adoption
and here I am.

Got the latest version of sandboxmaker and am attempting to rebase the
patches, already fixed the data source etc, so hopefully today or tomorrow
I'll have a package up on mentors.

Anyway, that's it bye for now.

Kind Regards
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