Bug#747859: mame: program name should be lowercase in help output

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Mon May 12 11:16:08 UTC 2014

Package: mame
Version: 0.146-5
Tags: patch

Since this is Unix and the program is installed as "mame",
the help output should also reflect this.

The attached patch (untested) might work.

I see there is a variable called exename, maybe it could be used instead.
You might want to forward this upstream in either case.

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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: appname_lower.patch
Type: text/x-diff
Size: 1431 bytes
URL: <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-games-devel/attachments/20140512/0baa8150/attachment.patch>

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