Bug#747975: extremetuxracer: SVG icon is missing

Markus Koschany apo at gambaru.de
Tue May 13 20:20:59 UTC 2014

Control: found -1 0.6.0-1

On 13.05.2014 13:52, Ronny Standtke wrote:
> Package: extremetuxracer
> Version: 0.6.0-1~bpo70+1
> Severity: minor
> The previous version of extremetuxracer contained an SVG icon
> (/usr/share/pixmaps/etracericon.svg). Please add it as
> /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/etr.svg. Then you can probably
> even remove the other icons in /usr/share/pixmaps.
> SVG looks so much better...


as far as I know the latest extremetuxracer release doesn't ship a svg
icon hence it cannot be installed. I completely agree that the current
svg icon for 0.4-6 looks much better. Let's see what happens in the next
version. I keep your bug report in mind.



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