Bug#768206: love-doc: fails to upgrade from 'wheezy' - trying to overwrite /usr/share/doc/love/demos/lovalanche.love

Juhani Numminen juhaninumminen0 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 16:51:10 UTC 2014

Control: tags -1 + patch


This seems to be caused by moving files between packages without adding
the needed Breaks and Replaces. I made a patch (svn diff) for the
package with the help of Debian wiki page[1].

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/PackageTransition   (please see case #9)


Index: debian/control
--- debian/control	(revision 15316)
+++ debian/control	(working copy)
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Recommends: binfmt-support
+Breaks: love-doc (<< 0.9.1-2)
 Description: 2D game development framework based on Lua and OpenGL
  LÖVE was created to be a user-friendly engine in which simple (or
  complicated) games could be made without having extensive knowledge
@@ -55,6 +56,8 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 Suggests: love
+Breaks: love (<< 0.9.1-2)
+Replaces: love (<< 0.9.1-2)
 Description: 2D game development framework - documentation
  LÖVE was created to be a user-friendly engine in which simple (or
  complicated) games could be made without having extensive knowledge

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