Bug#764152: Info received (assaultcube: update config.{sub, guess} to support new architectures)

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Wed Oct 29 13:22:31 UTC 2014

+++ Debian Bug Tracking System [2014-10-29 12:15 +0000]:

Given the timing in the release cycle and the fact that this bug has
been filed for a while, I'd really like to just NMU this now, but you
are not on the Lowthreshold NMU list, and arm64 and mips64el are not
yet on the release architecture list (although that will probably
change any day now), and I have changed the patch somewhat.

Please tell me it's OK to change this NMU to 0-day.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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