Bug#762020: pyracerz: postinst uses /usr/share/doc content (Policy 12.3)

Markus Koschany apo at gambaru.de
Wed Sep 17 20:09:00 UTC 2014

Package: pyracerz
Version: 0.2-5
Severity: important


Unfortunately there was another bug in postinst.

Quote from similar bug reports:

"Piuparts revealed that your package uses files from
/usr/share/doc in its maintainer scripts which is a violation of
Policy 12.3: "Packages must not require the existence of any files in
/usr/share/doc/ in order to function."

The problem here is that pyracerz.conf is copied from
/usr/share/doc/examples/pyracerz.conf to /var/games/pyracerz which is
a Policy violation.

I intend to fix this bug by installing pyracerz.conf to
/usr/share/games/pyracerz as soon as the new version migrates to
testing. Thus it's only severity "important" but will be fixed asap.


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