Bug#778651: reminiscence segfault and exit on cinematic

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Wed Feb 18 08:51:18 UTC 2015

Control: tags -1 unreproducible

-=| nicolas fargier, 17.02.2015 23:11:47 +0100 |=-
> Package: reminiscence
> Version: 0.2.1-2
> Severity: important
> I was able to play the game, but on the first stage ther is a terminal in which you have to insert the battery to make a bridge.
> When you do this there's a cinematic, but this one is not rendered properly and the game crash.
> Here is the terminal output :
> nicolas at INSPIRON:~$ reminiscence 
> Detected PC version
> rs: graphics.cpp:353: void Graphics::drawPolygon(uint8, bool, const Point*, uint8): Assertion `numPts * 4 < 0x100' failed.
> Abandon

I was not able to reproduce this. Perhaps a data file is damaged? 
Running under 'strace -D -e trace=file' shows that when charging the 
battery GEN.CMD and GEN.POL files are opened.

$ md5sum .reminiscence/data/GEN.*
334a59e20d79c24256f30179e62d1799  .reminiscence/data/GEN.CMD
b70017fbd9a281071fa2b71cf7d4d3ae  .reminiscence/data/GEN.POL

$ LANG=C ls -ln .reminiscence/data/GEN.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 6364 Aug 17  1993 .reminiscence/data/GEN.CMD
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 7853 Aug 17  1993 .reminiscence/data/GEN.POL

Just to be clear that we are trying the same thing, the charging 
happens at the far right of the first level. The item that is charged 
is then to be used to power a force-field bridge at left.

-- dam

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