Bug#774361: how to play?

Markus Koschany apo at gambaru.de
Thu Jan 1 15:16:04 UTC 2015

Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi and happy new year,

On Thu, 01. Jan 15:13 Tomas Pospisek <tpo_deb at sourcepole.ch> wrote:
> Package: lgeneral
> Version: 1.2.3+dfsg-3
> Severity: normal
> How can I actually play the game?
> 1. I start lgeneral
> 2. I click "C" for campain, and select PG
> 3. a text explains what the aim is I click on that and
>    the text disappears
> 4. I'm back to the map
> 5. what's the next step?
>    - clicking anywhere doesn't seem to have any effect
>    - right-click brings up the menu
>    - any key-press on my keyboard doesn't seem to have
>      any effect either
>    - README.Debian does mention any controls, however it
>      point to the LGeneral Debian Wiki
>    - in the Debian Wiki there's no mention of controls
>      either however it points to the LGeneral Web Page at SF
>    - on the LGeneral Web Page there's no mentions of
>      controls either
> 6. now what?

That sounds more like a support request and not like a bug report.

In short: You are supposed to click on S and start the scenarios except
you own a copy of the original Panzer General game yourself. In the
latter case you could then use game-data-packager to create a Debian package for the original
campaign. I have explained this in README.Debian. The campaign is
non-distributable for Debian despite the fact that the community claims
Panzer General was "abandonware" and there is even a commercial game
which reverse-engineered the PG engine but still I am not aware of a
free license that would allow it.

Let's start with the campaign (C) and the scenarios (S). If you install
lgeneral, you can only play the free scenarios provided by the
lgeneral-data package. You have to click on (S) and choose one of the
WWI scenarios from the kukgen directory. You can always bring up the
menu by right-clicking. After you have selected a scenario, the game
will start with the selected map. The rest is moving your units around
and attack other units. Pretty standard turn-based strategy.

I wonder how I am supposed to fix this bug. More information are



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