spear of destiny
Alexandre Detiste
alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 21:33:48 UTC 2015
I've cleaned up my repo once again, can you please pull from my master branch ?
Here is an explanation of the 3 commits:
- add support for Spear Of Destiny: this is exentensively tested & works pretty well,
even the lha extraction
- gdp will download these files from two sources : this merelly hide a bug in the download logic;
and instead the two alternate .zip are downloaded
we can later try to debug gdp with & without this patch;
but s.o.d. yaml file is fine
- add bash completion : this works pretty well,
just do ". debian/game-data-packager.bash-completion" to source it
in your current shell right away (bash normally load it at login)
work-in-progress in other (conflicting) branches:
- wolf3d-yaml
- shareware needs id-shr-extract support
- alternative selection for full version doesn't work atm
- rott-yaml: almost done
- steam: this needs changes in the core of gdp and new "longname:" & "steam_path:" fields
in all yaml files
tchet at antec:~/game-data-packager$ ./game-data-packager steam
game-data-packager steam arguments:
game-data-packager steam --new | --all | --list
--new only package new games
--all package all games
--list list packages supported
tchet at antec:~/game-data-packager$ ./game-data-packager steam --list
steam packages supported:
rott Rise of the Triad
spear-of-destiny Spear of Destiny
Spear of Destiny - Mission 2: Return to Danger
Spear of Destiny - Mission 3: Ultimate Challenge
wolf3d wolf3d-full-data
Le jeudi 8 janvier 2015, 11:14:23 Simon McVittie a écrit :
> On 08/01/15 08:57, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> > My proposal is the following:
> > $nameofgame-($typeofdata-)?-data
> *-data or *-music, which I think are fine:
>> wolf3d-data
wolf3d-data is a special case, it's a virtual package, so it's easier to replace
wolf3d-data-wl1 by wolf3d-demo-data; absolutely no change is needed in wolf4sdl .
Alexandre Detiste
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