spear of destiny

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Sun Jan 11 10:26:25 UTC 2015

>> I've cleaned up my repo once again, can you please pull from my master branch ?
Thanks for the pull & for the steam stuff that is much better that what I came with;
also doing the 'repack' automatically is nice.

Does this work ?:
[      os.path.join(os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_DIR', os.path.expanduser('~/.local/share')),
[                    'wineprefixes/steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam'),

You may want to close this bug in the changelog:

> Convert all YAML to multiple-package style
I'm 100% ok with this, this will make coding easier.
There is maybe already dead code in "iter_steam_paths()"
and in other places.

All package define steam data at root level,
except Hexen 2 that define it at package level;
is it intended this way ?


I've rebase my three branches, all three wip.

I'd like optional longname support at the package level too;
to hold there the add-ons fancy names.


class GameDataPackage(object):
   def __init__(self, name):
+        # The optional marketing name of this version
+        self.longname = None

def _populate_package(self, package, d):
+        if 'longname' in d:
+            package.longname = d['longname']



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