Bug#737137: game-data-packager: patch to support hexdd

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Fri Jan 16 11:34:12 UTC 2015

Control: clone 737137 -2 -3 -4
Control: retitle -2 game-data-packager: add support for Strife
Control: retitle -3 game-data-packager: add support for Hacx
Control: retitle -4 game-data-packager: add support for Chex Quest 1 & 2
Control: tags -2 = newcomer
Control: tags -3 = newcomer
Control: tags -4 = newcomer
Control: tags 737137 = patch pending

On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 at 01:39:32 +0000, Simon McVittie wrote:
> I have added support for hexdd.wad in git (as "hexen-deathkings-data"
> following the newer $GAME(-$QUALIFIER)-data naming scheme).

I'm cloning new bugs for the other feature requests that has crept into
#737137, because if I do that, the original feature request can be closed
soon. (Also, there's no particular reason why we have to do all these games at
the same time.)

> On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 at 15:12:59 +0000, Johey Shmit wrote:
> > Attached is a patch against git that adds support
> > for the following games:
> > 
> > - heretic shareware

Fixed in git.

> > - hexen shareware
> I added support for hexen-demo-data but it's currently commented out,
> because it doesn't work on Chocolate Doom. At some point I'll try it
> with Doomsday.

That's #775484 if someone wants to look into it.

> > - hexen add on hexdd

That's the original feature request from this bug, which can be closed

> > - strife registered

That's clone "-2" (it will get a real bug number shortly). It should just
require writing a data/strife.yaml resembling data/hexen.yaml. At the
moment you also still need a supported/strife resembling supported/hexen,
but that's completely trivial.

> > - strife shareware

That's sort of linked to clone -2, but I don't think we should implement
this if we don't have any engines that can actually play it anyway.
Whoever does the Strife support is welcome to include all the shareware
checksums, unpacking details etc. in data/strife.yaml, but the actual
package stanza should be commented out (like hexen-demo-data is at the

> I can't support Heretic shareware until I've added a way to spell
> "obtain these two files, concatenate them, then unpack them" in the YAML files
> that now describe supported games, and Python code to implement that.
> But I need that feature at some point anyway, for Quake.

Fixed in git.

On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 at 10:47:28 +0100, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Yes, please change it back to /usr/share/games/doom.

Fixed in git.

> > If you want Hacx or any of the versions of Chex Quest, they'll need
> > the same data.
> As a starting point:
> http://doomwiki.org/wiki/CHEX.WAD
> http://doomwiki.org/wiki/CHEX2.WAD
> http://doomwiki.org/wiki/HACX.WAD
> Later on, I can provide the other checksums as well, if needed. 

Clones -3 and -4. As with Strife, these two should just need a data/foo.yaml
and a supported/foo resembling the ones for hexen.

> Please note that CHEX2.WAD is a PWAD that requires the CHEX.WAD IWAD to
> play, i.e. it's an extension.

Great, then CHEX2 should be a package with "type: expansion" in data/chex.yaml
rather than having its own data/chex2.yaml. It should probably have
"longname: Chex Quest (including Chex Quest 2)" at top level (shown in
g-d-p --help), and "longname: Chex Quest"/"longname: Chex Quest 2" in the
individual packages.


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