RFP theme hospital

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Sat Jan 24 15:49:26 UTC 2015

Control: clone 610087 -2
Control: retitle -2 support Theme Hospital data for corsix-th engine
Control: tags -2 = patch

On 24/01/15 15:12, Alexandre Detiste wrote:
> I've added rules to Game-Data-Packager to package the data from both the full & demo as .deb . 
> https://github.com/a-detiste/game-data-packager 

Thanks, I'll look into that.

> Both data packages work fine with the game engine packaged at Ubuntu GetDeb
>   http://www.playdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/14.10/?q=hospital 
>   http://ftp.dk.debian.org/getdeb/ubuntu/pool/games/c/corsix-th/
> We could upstream/fork this package into Debian, and be done with minimal effort.

I'm somewhat wary of third-party repositories, because if the package is
good enough for Debian/Ubuntu, why is it not in "the real distribution"?

Whether or not the packaging is already technically functional, a
sponsor will need to check it just as thoroughly as anything else.
Sorry, I have enough packages in my queue at the moment that I don't
really want to embark on copyright/licensing/non-malicious-code checking
for another one, but perhaps someone else in the Games Team will.

> PS: I packaged the version I stumbled upon in my basement; I need to check this other one too:
>   http://www.polygon.com/2015/1/20/7863577/free-theme-hospital-origin
>   https://www.origin.com/en-gb/store/buy/theme-hospital-origin/pc-download/base-game/standard-edition
> I don't even know what Origin is (something like Steam ?)

Yes, it's roughly EA's equivalent of Steam.

I have the gog.com version of Theme Hospital, which is another potential
source of data files - hopefully they're the same in all versions.


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