Bug#788061: Bug#788057: game-data-packager: please add support for Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold and Planet Strike

Fabian Greffrath fabian at debian.org
Mon Jul 6 11:33:35 UTC 2015

Am Montag, den 06.07.2015, 07:17 -0400 schrieb Braden Obrzut:
> Define interpolated angles?

Well, not only updated each gametic, but also intermediately during
each rendering cycle.

> The source was released?  If so that news hasn't reached me (which
> would be unusual since I had people tell me about the source release for the 
> early id games and I was the one that prepared the release of them), any 
> of the websites I visit, or Google.

Ouch, sorry! I mixed this up with its unreleased sequel:

> Regardless though, yes Corridor 7 and Operation Body Count will be 
> supported.

Cool, thanks!

 - Fabian

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