Patch for suppressing demo creation when full version is available

Patrick Bottelberger patrick.bottelberger at
Sat Jul 11 20:19:56 UTC 2015

Hi all,

i've made a small patch for G-D-P to suppress the creation of 
demo-packages, when full versions of non-english versions are to be 
created. For example, when creating grimfandango-de-data without 
explicitly specifying the package (via "game-data-packager grim 
/some/path/with/de/data"), grimfandango-demo-data would also be created, 
as it's demo-for grimfandango-en-data. So, my patch suppresses this, as 
it looks through all languages to get the information, that the creation 
of the demo is not needed.  Would you please have a look at the patch, 
maybe try it with other languages and then apply it?
Thank you!

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