Bug#792017: game-data-packager: add support for Zork Nemesis & Zork: Grand Inquisitor

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Sun Jul 12 09:33:53 UTC 2015

arial.tff & cour.tff are shipped in the GOG.com archive;
I don't know if those are present in the CD & DVD editions.

If they had been added only for the GOG.com release;
then we must substitute those with system-provided fonts.
(or maybe we can just remove these two)

Re-packing games is like playing Jenga:
remove most of the cruft untill it breaks.

> Am Samstag, den 11.07.2015, 12:40 +0200 schrieb Alexandre Detiste:
> > # used
> >     - /usr/share/games/zork-grand-inquisitor/addon/LiberationMono-Bold.ttf
> >     - /usr/share/games/zork-grand-inquisitor/addon/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf
> >     - /usr/share/games/zork-grand-inquisitor/fonts/arial.ttf
> >     - /usr/share/games/zork-grand-inquisitor/fonts/cour.ttf
> I hope the latter two are symlinks to the former two?
>  - Fabian

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