Bug#793274: plee-the-bear: change of type in system_error might break with GCC-5

Matthias Klose doko at debian.org
Wed Jul 22 13:34:04 UTC 2015

Package: src:plee-the-bear
Severity: important
Tags: sid stretch
User: debian-gcc at lists.debian.org
Usertags: gcc-pr66145

GCC PR libstdc++/66145 is a regression in GCC 5 which won't be fixed
upstream in time for the GCC defaults change.  The work around is to
rebuild the affected packages after GCC 5 is the default compiler.
Please look at the code and decide, if the package is affected. If
not, please just close the issue.  If it's a real issue, I'll add
the packages affected to libstdc++6's Breaks attributes, with the
version of the package at the time of the defaults change.

See https://wiki.debian.org/GCC5#libstdc.2B-.2B-_c.2B-.2B-11_incompatibilities_.284.9_and_5.29
for further information.

To build with GCC 5,install the gcc, g++, gfortran, ... packages
from experimental (apt-get -t experimental install g++).

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