Bug#726209: closed by beuc at debian.org (Re: ballz: missing icon entry in menu file Jessie Release Goal)

beuc at debian.org beuc at debian.org
Tue Jul 28 11:46:16 UTC 2015


I salvaged upstream from google code, converted svn to git, refreshed
the autotools, integrated appstream contribution from Fedora,
coordinated with usptream, made a new release, extensively tested, and

You only complained, and now you're trying to provoke me by
questioning my usefulness.

I don't wish to complexify the packaging and add dependencies such as
imagemagick for an old menu system.  I don't see why this is such a
big issue for you.

To be fair, I give you 1 day to find the "1 minute" you estimated for
applying, testing and uploading your patch.  Passed this delay, I'll
close the bug.


On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 11:52:20AM +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
> Am 28.07.2015 um 10:11 schrieb beuc at debian.org:
> > I mean a complete patch, including conversion tools and such.
> The patch was complete back then and the fix includes adding a single
> line to your already existing menu file. You can either convert the png
> icon to a xpm icon during build time with imagemagick or you can add it
> to your debian directory. Solutions are documented on the wiki.
> https://wiki.debian.org/Games/JessieReleaseGoal#Solutions
> > If the "team" isn't working on a bug for 2 years, that's just
> > cluttering the BTS for the actual maintainer.
> You are also part of this team, at least on paper. If you were a helpful
> team member, you would have fixed this trivial bug years ago. Applying
> my patch takes only a minute. Not every Debian contributor can upload
> every package in the archive. Your aggressive bug closing behaviour is
> stunning.
> > I'm having a hard time assessing how much time you made me waste on
> > something apparently only you cares about.
> Obviously that is entirely your fault but then apparently there is a
> pattern and I am not the only one who has made this experience.
> https://bugs.debian.org/789772

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