Bug#788057: game-data-packager: please add support for Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold and Planet Strike
Fabian Greffrath
fabian at debian.org
Mon Jun 8 13:55:30 UTC 2015
Am Montag, den 08.06.2015, 15:42 +0200 schrieb Alexandre Detiste:
> 1) lgogdownloader --list | grep blakestone, if you've never used it
$ lgogdownloader --list | grep blake_stone
> 2) game-data-packager make-template setup_<blake_stone_something>.exe
$ game-data-packager make-template setup_blake_stone_aliens_of_gold_2.0.0.2.exe
_ 26888888 setup_blake_stone_aliens_of_gold_2.0.0.2.exe
b1686e263da9e836e67b64a2946a3222 setup_blake_stone_aliens_of_gold_2.0.0.2.exe
911ca4507713b091767664ef1d10a5850c573ffe setup_blake_stone_aliens_of_gold_2.0.0.2.exe
f19739d68493c0c72d749ef4133e5381c73d144a68e00f6dfd5cb8b5926393ef setup_blake_stone_aliens_of_gold_2.0.0.2.exe
$ game-data-packager make-template setup_blake_stone_planet_strike_2.0.0.2.exe
_ 21659584 setup_blake_stone_planet_strike_2.0.0.2.exe
2230bde51bc598440c14c978669209eb setup_blake_stone_planet_strike_2.0.0.2.exe
5171c5855d0df6ae38893aa80a072045efe5e06c setup_blake_stone_planet_strike_2.0.0.2.exe
3c8e508b6aa50134b8bc04498d73a26f266e3a81d14ba3e7fcca93f122699b12 setup_blake_stone_planet_strike_2.0.0.2.exe
> 3) innoextract -l setup_<blake_stone_something>.exe
$ innoextract setup_blake_stone_aliens_of_gold_2.0.0.2.exe
Extracting "Blake Stone - Aliens of Gold" - setup data version 5.5.0
- "app/AUDIOHED.BS6" (1.25 KiB)
- "app/AUDIOT.BS6" (261 KiB)
- "app/BS-HELP.EXE" (30.5 KiB)
- "app/BSTONE.BAT" (97 B)
- "app/BS_AOG.EXE" (137 KiB)
- "app/dosboxBlakeAOG.conf" (10.5 KiB)
- "app/dosboxBlakeAOG_single.conf" (113 B)
- "app/EANIM.BS6" (182 KiB)
- "app/FILE_ID.DIZ" (447 B)
- "app/GANIM.BS6" (215 KiB)
- "app/IANIM.BS6" (18.5 KiB)
- "app/INSTALL.INI" (116 B)
- "app/JAMERR.EXE" (10.9 KiB)
- "app/JM_ERROR.H" (9.39 KiB)
- "app/MAPHEAD.BS6" (834 B)
- "app/MAPTEMP.BS6" (514 KiB)
- "app/SANIM.BS6" (270 KiB)
- "app/SETBLAST.EXE" (72 KiB)
- "app/SVSWAP.BS6" (2.75 MiB)
- "app/VGADICT.BS6" (1.02e+03 B)
- "app/VGAGRAPH.BS6" (585 KiB)
- "app/VGAHEAD.BS6" (672 B)
- "app/VSWAP.BS6" (2.64 MiB)
- "app/manual.pdf" (8.07 MiB)
- "app/gfw_high.ico" (128 KiB)
- "app/goggame.dll" (279 KiB)
- "app/DOSBOX/dosbox-0.74.tar.gz" (1.21 MiB)
- "app/DOSBOX/DOSBox.exe" (3.55 MiB)
- "app/DOSBOX/SDL.dll" (438 KiB)
- "app/DOSBOX/SDL_net.dll" (13 KiB)
- "app/DOSBOX/GOGDOSConfig.exe" (7.07 MiB)
- "tmp/QTEULA.txt" (27.7 KiB)
- "tmp/dosboxEULA.txt" (19.3 KiB)
- "tmp/FoxitReader.exe" (2.57 MiB)
- "tmp/get_hw_caps.dll" (76.7 KiB)
- "app/GameuxInstallHelper.dll" (94 KiB)
- "app/gog.ico", "tmp/gog.ico" (67.6 KiB)
- "tmp/botva2.dll" (35 KiB)
- "tmp/crcdll.dll" (64.5 KiB)
- "tmp/md5log.ini" (7 B)
- "tmp/InnoCallback.dll" (63.5 KiB)
- "tmp/EULA.txt" (0 B)
- "tmp/14.Wing-Commander-Privateer.png" (1.16 MiB)
- "tmp/15.Rise-of-The-Triad.png" (1.34 MiB)
- "tmp/10.Bloodrayne.png" (1.07 MiB)
- "tmp/02.Far-Cry.png" (1.56 MiB)
- "tmp/03.Postal-2-Complete.png" (1.39 MiB)
- "tmp/background.png" (4.84 KiB)
- "tmp/bg-bot at 2x.jpg" (1.22 KiB)
- "tmp/BigFail.png" (1.63 KiB)
- "tmp/BigFail200.png" (3.41 KiB)
- "tmp/BigOK.png" (3.33 KiB)
- "tmp/BigOK200.png" (12.8 KiB)
- "tmp/BigWarn.png" (1.58 KiB)
- "tmp/BigWarn200.png" (3.27 KiB)
- "tmp/bottombar.png" (340 B)
- "tmp/bottombar200.png" (938 B)
- "tmp/btn_browse.png" (4.82 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_browse200.png" (11.5 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_close.png" (3.36 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_close200.png" (9.33 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_continue.png" (4.18 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_continue200.png" (11.2 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_exit.png" (3.76 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_exit200.png" (8.37 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_launch.png" (9.96 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_launch200.png" (21.5 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_md5.png" (8.73 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_md5200.png" (12.5 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_options.png" (5.01 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_options200.png" (12.5 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_save_as.png" (5.64 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_save_as200.png" (15.6 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_skip.png" (3.23 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_skip200.png" (8.52 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_start.png" (4.21 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_start200.png" (9.59 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_tryagain.png" (10.5 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_tryagain200.png" (24.2 KiB)
- "tmp/error.png" (726 B)
- "tmp/error200.png" (1.78 KiB)
- "tmp/error_icon.png" (1.44 KiB)
- "tmp/error_icon200.png" (2.14 KiB)
- "tmp/EULA.png" (2.32 KiB)
- "tmp/EULA200.png" (10.5 KiB)
- "tmp/EULAAccepted.png" (2.63 KiB)
- "tmp/EULAAccepted200.png" (11.4 KiB)
- "tmp/EULAShow.png" (1.47 KiB)
- "tmp/EULAShow200.png" (2.15 KiB)
- "tmp/EULA_bkg.png" (3.52 KiB)
- "tmp/GOG.png" (3.45 KiB)
- "tmp/GOG200.png" (5.29 KiB)
- "tmp/ok.png" (1.18 KiB)
- "tmp/ok200.png" (2.18 KiB)
- "tmp/OpenSans-Regular.ttf" (212 KiB)
- "tmp/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf" (216 KiB)
- "tmp/progress_center.png" (1.12 KiB)
- "tmp/progress_center200.png" (1.26 KiB)
- "tmp/progress_left.png" (1.15 KiB)
- "tmp/progress_left200.png" (792 B)
- "tmp/progress_right.png" (1.15 KiB)
- "tmp/progress_right200.png" (828 B)
- "tmp/scroll-handle-bot.png" (1 KiB)
- "tmp/scroll-handle-top.png" (1.01 KiB)
- "tmp/trackbar_back.png" (1.7 KiB)
- "tmp/trackbar_back200.png" (4.4 KiB)
- "tmp/trackbar_btn.png" (2 KiB)
- "tmp/trackbar_btn200.png" (5.65 KiB)
- "tmp/track_center.png" (1.09 KiB)
- "tmp/track_center200.png" (1.21 KiB)
- "tmp/track_left.png" (1.11 KiB)
- "tmp/track_left200.png" (558 B)
- "tmp/track_right.png" (1.12 KiB)
- "tmp/track_right200.png" (557 B)
- "app/Support.ico" (61.4 KiB)
- "tmp/GOG_EULA.txt" (7.33 KiB)
- "tmp/background.jpg" (97.5 KiB)
$ innoextract setup_blake_stone_planet_strike_2.0.0.2.exe
Extracting "Blake Stone - Planet Strike" - setup data version 5.5.0
- "app/AUDIOHED.VSI" (1.26 KiB)
- "app/AUDIOT.VSI" (297 KiB)
- "app/BS_FIRE.EXE" (141 KiB)
- "app/dosboxBlakePS.conf" (10.5 KiB)
- "app/dosboxBlakePS_single.conf" (114 B)
- "app/EANIM.VSI" (362 KiB)
- "app/IANIM.VSI" (18.5 KiB)
- "app/JAMERR.EXE" (21.6 KiB)
- "app/JM_ERROR.H" (10.8 KiB)
- "app/MAPHEAD.VSI" (834 B)
- "app/MAPTEMP.VSI" (163 KiB)
- "app/ORDER.FRM" (5.58 KiB)
- "app/PLANET.BAT" (102 B)
- "app/PSHELP.EXE" (18.2 KiB)
- "app/SETBLAST.EXE" (75 KiB)
- "app/VGADICT.VSI" (1.02e+03 B)
- "app/VGAGRAPH.VSI" (694 KiB)
- "app/VGAHEAD.VSI" (747 B)
- "app/VSWAP.VSI" (3.05 MiB)
- "app/Manual.pdf" (3.89 MiB)
- "app/gfw_high.ico" (127 KiB)
- "app/goggame.dll" (279 KiB)
- "app/DOSBOX/dosbox-0.74.tar.gz" (1.21 MiB)
- "app/DOSBOX/DOSBox.exe" (3.55 MiB)
- "app/DOSBOX/SDL.dll" (438 KiB)
- "app/DOSBOX/SDL_net.dll" (13 KiB)
- "app/DOSBOX/GOGDOSConfig.exe" (7.07 MiB)
- "tmp/QTEULA.txt" (27.7 KiB)
- "tmp/dosboxEULA.txt" (19.3 KiB)
- "tmp/FoxitReader.exe" (2.57 MiB)
- "tmp/get_hw_caps.dll" (76.7 KiB)
- "app/GameuxInstallHelper.dll" (94 KiB)
- "app/gog.ico", "tmp/gog.ico" (67.6 KiB)
- "tmp/botva2.dll" (35 KiB)
- "tmp/crcdll.dll" (64.5 KiB)
- "tmp/md5log.ini" (7 B)
- "tmp/InnoCallback.dll" (63.5 KiB)
- "tmp/EULA.txt" (0 B)
- "tmp/14.Wing-Commander-Privateer.png" (1.16 MiB)
- "tmp/15.Rise-of-The-Triad.png" (1.34 MiB)
- "tmp/10.Bloodrayne.png" (1.07 MiB)
- "tmp/02.Far-Cry.png" (1.56 MiB)
- "tmp/03.Postal-2-Complete.png" (1.39 MiB)
- "tmp/background.png" (4.84 KiB)
- "tmp/bg-bot at 2x.jpg" (1.22 KiB)
- "tmp/BigFail.png" (1.63 KiB)
- "tmp/BigFail200.png" (3.41 KiB)
- "tmp/BigOK.png" (3.33 KiB)
- "tmp/BigOK200.png" (12.8 KiB)
- "tmp/BigWarn.png" (1.58 KiB)
- "tmp/BigWarn200.png" (3.27 KiB)
- "tmp/bottombar.png" (340 B)
- "tmp/bottombar200.png" (938 B)
- "tmp/btn_browse.png" (4.82 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_browse200.png" (11.5 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_close.png" (3.36 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_close200.png" (9.33 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_continue.png" (4.18 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_continue200.png" (11.2 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_exit.png" (3.76 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_exit200.png" (8.37 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_launch.png" (9.96 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_launch200.png" (21.5 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_md5.png" (8.73 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_md5200.png" (12.5 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_options.png" (5.01 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_options200.png" (12.5 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_save_as.png" (5.64 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_save_as200.png" (15.6 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_skip.png" (3.23 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_skip200.png" (8.52 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_start.png" (4.21 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_start200.png" (9.59 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_tryagain.png" (10.5 KiB)
- "tmp/btn_tryagain200.png" (24.2 KiB)
- "tmp/error.png" (726 B)
- "tmp/error200.png" (1.78 KiB)
- "tmp/error_icon.png" (1.44 KiB)
- "tmp/error_icon200.png" (2.14 KiB)
- "tmp/EULA.png" (2.32 KiB)
- "tmp/EULA200.png" (10.5 KiB)
- "tmp/EULAAccepted.png" (2.63 KiB)
- "tmp/EULAAccepted200.png" (11.4 KiB)
- "tmp/EULAShow.png" (1.47 KiB)
- "tmp/EULAShow200.png" (2.15 KiB)
- "tmp/EULA_bkg.png" (3.52 KiB)
- "tmp/GOG.png" (3.45 KiB)
- "tmp/GOG200.png" (5.29 KiB)
- "tmp/ok.png" (1.18 KiB)
- "tmp/ok200.png" (2.18 KiB)
- "tmp/OpenSans-Regular.ttf" (212 KiB)
- "tmp/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf" (216 KiB)
- "tmp/progress_center.png" (1.12 KiB)
- "tmp/progress_center200.png" (1.26 KiB)
- "tmp/progress_left.png" (1.15 KiB)
- "tmp/progress_left200.png" (792 B)
- "tmp/progress_right.png" (1.15 KiB)
- "tmp/progress_right200.png" (828 B)
- "tmp/scroll-handle-bot.png" (1 KiB)
- "tmp/scroll-handle-top.png" (1.01 KiB)
- "tmp/trackbar_back.png" (1.7 KiB)
- "tmp/trackbar_back200.png" (4.4 KiB)
- "tmp/trackbar_btn.png" (2 KiB)
- "tmp/trackbar_btn200.png" (5.65 KiB)
- "tmp/track_center.png" (1.09 KiB)
- "tmp/track_center200.png" (1.21 KiB)
- "tmp/track_left.png" (1.11 KiB)
- "tmp/track_left200.png" (558 B)
- "tmp/track_right.png" (1.12 KiB)
- "tmp/track_right200.png" (557 B)
- "app/Support.ico" (61.4 KiB)
- "tmp/GOG_EULA.txt" (7.33 KiB)
- "tmp/background.jpg" (118 KiB)
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